Study Gives Reason To Bee Hopeful — gardeninacity

A new study demonstrates that prairie restoration brings back the bees, both in numbers and species diversity. Here’s an article about it from the website of the Nature Conservancy. Unfortunately, the study itself is behind a pay wall, but you can read the article here.

via Study Gives Reason To Bee Hopeful — gardeninacity

Author: cufhap

Founder and executive Director on the Community United For Health And Prevention (CUFHAP), I am a trained physician with a master of Public Health, a Health care in developing countries certificate and an LPN. My goals are to develop strategies to partially decrease the population of the mosquitoes vector of the ZIKA virus in order to decrease the incidence of microcephaly among the children born from mothers infected by the ZIKA virus.By doing so,we will decrease the incidence of Guillain Barre Syndrome , encephalitis and other diseases caused by mosquito bite like malaria, arboviral meningo- encephalitis caused by multiple viral agents. These arboviral diseases are classified by geographic area WNV (Western Nile Virus), Eastern and Western equine encephalitis,La Crosse encephalitis, St Louis encephalitis. To reach these goals the Community United For Health And Prevention needs the support of the people and the governments.

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